Social Stories

Social Stories™ were developed by Carol Gray in 1990, and are now a respected evidence-based practice used worldwide with autistic people of all ages. 

A Social Story is a story that shares social information with an autistic child or adult in an accessible way, respectful of their different perspective and interpretation of the social world. It is written in a specific way according to ten defining characteristics (the Social Story criteria) which guide it to be meaningful, safe, patient, non-judgemental and reassuring. Social Stories describe anything and everything in life.  It is individualised for each person.
A Social Story’s aim is to improve the child or adult’s understanding by simply sharing social information. With improved social understanding clarity and predictability is established and anxiety is diminished.

A social story can support a child who is having difficulty with an activity, routine, or event. It can help them to understand it, step by step. Social stories can be about specific situations at school, home, or in the community.

You can find more information here Social stories and comic strip conversations (

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