What is Scout Active Support -
Previously called Scout Fellowship, SAS Units are a group of adults who wish in some way to provide 'active support' to local Scouting. Units can be made up of men and women of all ages, interests and backgrounds, whether or not they have been involved with Scouting or Guiding before. They can operate at local, national and international levels, but are most often connected to a District or County.
All members of Scout Active Support are there because they wish to give some of their time to Scouting - this can be as much or as little as they like, in a wide variety of activities. Each Unit also has their own social and activity programme.
The aim of the Unit is to "Provide Active Support", with the emphasis being very much on practical support of the youth programme at all levels of the Association, from the local Scout Group to National level. Units may be specialist groups, for example campsite service crews, activity teams, first aid teams or radio operators, or they may be a more general group of individuals with a variety of interests and skills who are ready to help out at all sorts of different events.
SAS Units around the country regularly get involved in event organisation and support, adventurous activity provision, fundraising, supporting Section Leaders, providing social activities for Districts and Counties, skills based sessions and training. In fact 'active support' can be just about anything, the list is endless
For more information, please click here: Scout Active Support for this adult volunteer section.
One example of an SAS Unit and how it can work is the the Anglican Fellowship in Scouting & Guiding is a national Scout Active Support Unit - more details at http://www.anglicanfellowship.org.uk/
The Scout And Guide Graduate Association (SAGGA) is a Unit dedicated to providing skilled service to the Scouts and Girlguides. The Unit supports the aims of both Associations enabling members to build up skills and experiences while trying new things - website at SAGGA