Training LogoWe are here to offer you the best training experience during your Scouting career and we have a dedicated team available to help you deliver the best possible experience for the Scouts in your care, whatever their age... and that includes you too!

For on-line learning modules, there is some accessibility advice at the following link to information provided by HQ about the different tools and options available to you - see

The Training Team can be contacted via their main contact page here - Training Team.

Latest Training News

The Training Team are now using the 'BookWhen' system for their courses - the link is : Suffolk Scouts Training Courses.
Some specific courses may be highlighted below for information.
First Aid Module 10a - May 13th & 20th - Evening Sessions

We are running a First Aid Module 10a course via Teams on the evenings of Monday May 13th and May 20th at 7pm; attendance on both evenings is required to complete this element. Booking is via the above BookWhen link.


Manager & Supporter Training

The County Supporters of the Nights Away Permit Scheme (SNAPS) are currently (May 2023) as follows

  •     Alison Barber - Lowestoft, Waveney Valley
  •     Richard Chaston - Deben, Orwell & Wolsey
  •     Steve Challis - Sudbury, Bury St Edmunds & Stowmarket

who are available to help with any queries or to help you find an assessor if you are having problems getting an assessment done.

Managers and Supporters Skills Courses

These courses are run in the East of England Region by the Regional Team using County resources on a rotational basis.  Please note that you can attend any course across the Region, it doesn't have to be just in Suffolk!

Please check on the booking link below for latest information. 

The East of England Region use one booking system for Managers and Supporters - use this link to book on courses and check for updates. 

Compliance Training Courses

Almost ALL volunteers in Scouts need to complete some form of training and these days a lot is available on-line to complete at your convenience and normally within 5 months of your appointment. The subjects covered are Essential Information (Module 1), Safety, Safeguarding, GDPR and where appropriate Trustee Introduction.  First Aid is required for some leader roles.

Please find further details on the Compliance Training page.