Getting Started with Youth Shaped Scouting

So, you’ve decided to embrace the ideas of the Young People within your Unit, Group, District or County, but where do you begin? Here are a few different ideas of things you can do to make sure that the young people you support are shaping their Scouting experience.  

There is no set way ‘to do’ Youth Shaped Scouting but here are a few examples that you can try! 

Beaver Youth Shaped Ideas 

Hold regular Log Chew’s 

Work towards the Chief Scout Bronze Award with all Beavers 

Encourage responsible Beavers to be Lodge Leaders 

Get Beavers involved in planning the programme/ choosing activities to do 

Let Lodge Leaders run games or small activities (under supervision) 

Encourage Beavers to complete as many badges and awards as possible 

Get feedback on activities they did and didn’t like 

Teach Skills for Life 


Cub Youth Shaped Ideas 

Hold regular and meaningful Pack forums  

Work towards the Chief Scout Silver Award with all Cubs 

Encourage responsible Cubs to be Sixers and Seconders 

Involve Cubs in the programme planning process 

Allow Cubs to run games or activities (in pairs or sixes) 

Allow Cubs to help plan camps, hikes and other adventurous activities 

Encourage Cubs to complete as many badges and awards as possible 

Get feedback on activities they did and didn’t like 

Teach Skills for Life 


Scout Youth Shaped Ideas 

Hold regular Troop / Patrol councils/Forums 

Work towards the Chief Scout Gold Award with all Scouts 

Encourage responsible Scouts to be APLs PLs and SPLs 

Involve Scouts in the programme planning process 

Allow Scouts to plan and run parts of the programme 

Allow Scouts to plan and run certain games or activities 

Give the Scouts a small budget to use in planning and running an evening (under close supervision) 

Allow Scouts to plan and run parts of camps, hikes and other adventurous activities 

Allow Scouts to do a camp under the Passport Scheme 

Encourage Scouts to complete as many badges as possible 

Get feedback on activities they did and didn’t like 

Teach Skills for Life 



Explorer Youth Shaped Ideas 

Work towards Chief Scout and Queens Scout Awards 

Work towards Explorer Belt and Young Leader Belt Awards 

Encourage responsible Explorers to take on leadership roles within Explorers 

Form an Explorer Executive Committee to support the leadership team 

Encourage Explorers to take up Young Leader roles 

Involve Explorers in the programme planning process 

Allow Explorers to create most of the programme 

Allow Explorers to plan and run parts of the programme 

Allow Explorers to plan and run activities 

Encourage Explorers to get permits (were viable) and lead these activities 

Give Explorers a budget to use to develop parts of the programme (under close supervision) 

Allow Explorers to plan and run camps, hikes and other activities 

Allow Explorers to camp under the Passport Scheme 

Encourage Explorers to attend national events such as  Gilwell  24 

Encourage Explorers to work towards their DofE awards 

Encourage experienced Explorers to teach skills to newer Explorers (such as map reading, compass bearings and lightweight camping) 

Encourage Explorers to complete as many badges as possible 

Get feedback on activities they did and didn’t like 

Teach Skills for Life 


Group Youth Shaped Ideas 

Young person representatives on the Executive Committee

Young people involved in planning group events (i.e. Christmas parties) 

All Units within the Group working towards Youth Shaped Scouting 

Young people involved in fundraising (ideas and implementation) 

Give Young Leaders responsibilities for planning and running activities 

Encourage Young Leaders to get involved in the running of the group 

Ask young people (and Young Leaders) for feedback on the group 

Encourage leaders to support young people to make their voices heard 

Encourage young people into Group Roles (Section leader, GSL) 

Teach Skills for Life 


District Youth Shaped Ideas 

Young person representatives on District Executive Committee

Young person(s) on the Appointment Advisory Committee 

Appoint a District Youth Commissioner (and deputies) 

Encourage young people into District Roles (Commissioner, GSL, Supporter) 

Young people planning and running District events (i.e. camps, BBQs) 

Feedback from young people after District events 

Input from young people to help plan formal events (i.e. St Georges Day) 

Support U25 Leaders and Young Leaders in their roles 

All Groups within the District working towards Youth Shaped Scouting 

Young people involved in fundraising (ideas and implementation) 

Give Young Leaders responsibilities for planning and running activities 

Encourage 14-25 Leaders to get involved in the running of the District 

Ask young people (and Leaders) for feedback on the District 

Encourage leaders to support young people to make their voices heard 

Teach Skills for Life