Almost all volunteers in Scouts need to complete some form of training and these days a lot is available on-line to complete at your convenience. You can check the Appointments: Roles Table which lists all roles and their training requirements to see if you are required to complete it.
In order to meet the training requirements laid down in POR. the Mandatory Training courses are shown below and usually need to be completed within 5 months of the appointment.
Safety & Safeguarding along with First Aid need to be kept up to date every 3 years - reminders come from HQ or your local training team.
We understand that on-line courses are not suitable for everyone and so some other arrangements can be made. Please contact your Local Training Manager for more information.
Essential Information Training (Module 1)
Essential Information is great training for all adults involved in Scouts as it provides information on Scouts history, our fundamentals such as the Promise and Law, how to keep everyone safe and more about our structure and how Scouts are inclusive.
It’s independent learning, so you don’t have to attend a course to complete it.
Link for Essential Information Training
GDPR Training
With the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulations, HQ have developed a new e-learning module that is compulsory for all adults to complete. It only requires completing once.
If you are a new leader or a member of the Trustee Board (formerly Executive Committee), this is now part of your Getting Started training which must be completed within 5 months of your appointment.
Once the e-learning has been completed, please show the certificate to your Training Adviser or send a copy to your Local Training Manager so your Compass profile can be updated accordingly. The e-learning can be found by clicking this link.
Safety Training
This needs to be completed within 5 months of the appointment or after 3 years to keep it up-to-date (where required). Click here to go to the online training introduction page (updated May-2024). Please remember to print off/save the certificate on completion for your records and to show/send to your training manager.
Safeguarding Training
The on-line training is an alternative to a face-to-face course and is required to be completed within 5 months of the appointment or after 3 years to keep it up-to-date (where required). Click here to view the introduction and start the training (updated May-24). Print off the certificate on completion for your records and show/send to your training manager.
Trustee Induction
Elements of this training were included as part of Essential Information (Module 1EX for Executive Committee members) but this has now been updated and expanded as a separate training module and is recorded separately on Compass. It only has to be completed once. ALL Trustee Board (formerly Executive) members should complete this regardless of the previous training completed. Roles requiring this should complete the e-learning course here - Trustee Induction - and print off/save the certificate when completed to show/send to your training manager.
First Aid / First Response - Module 10A & 10B
Available to anyone wishing to complete this module for the first time or as a renewal. Renewals should, preferably, be completed before the current certificate expires to ensure continuous cover.
A link to understand how it's working currently - First Aid Training explained
First Aid training is organised by the Local Training Manager (LTM) in your Districts when there is enough demand. Please contact your LTM to find out when your next course is. From May 2021, you may be able to join the on-line training provided a National Team. Information should be available about this on the link below or your LTM.
There is some on-line reference material from HQ regarding First Aid at First Aid Training , though please discuss options with your line manager/LTM after reviewing this.
NOTE: As from Sep-2024 - further changes to requirements for external First Aid courses e.g.First Aid at Work, you will need to discuss the delivered training with an approved County First Aid Trainer who are shown below before your qualification can be accepted for 'Scout First Aid'.
Jess Bedingfield Richard Chaston
Johnny Dixon Jonathan Douse
fudge Farrar Adrian Garnham
Keith Gleen Denise King
Joe Long Gordon Parish
Brian Roe Peter Russell
Mary Tucker Lee Vansickle
Aubrey Webb Colin Winter