Radio Scouting Flagg-smallThe week-end of October 12/13 was a very busy one!  At Hallowtree, apart from a fly-over from Bear-in-the-Air, Tree-Mendous and the Training Academy, a Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) station was in operation. 

World-wide links to other Scouts were made over the ether via radio by a team of leaders and enthusiasts camped out during the whole week-end.

The map shows the countries where contacts were made - Japan is on there.. so contact for the Jamboree contingent may be possible!

JOTA-2013-1 jota-2013-2 

Similar links were also made by using the Internet by Scouts at the Kesgrave HQ where some practised their foreign language skills!

 jota2-013-3  JOTA-2013-4

For more information about JOTA/JOTI, take a look at the links in the Other Scouting Links page for Radio Scouting, JOTI and JOTA and put a note in the diary for the event in October 2014.