It has been a really busy time of late and having problems with my computer has been more than a little frustrating..

I had a super time with the 1st Carlton Colville Beaver Scouts when they celebrated their 30th birthday early in March. All sections of the Group were there to support them and make it a really special day. 

Our fabulous Jamboree contingent met again at Gt Barton HQ for outside cooking.  Suffolk are very lucky to have nine more youngsters able to go to the Jamboree as part of the Regional Contingent.  Richard Marsh from the 36th Ipswich is the Suffolk Leader going with them.  I can't remember a time when we have had so many going on a Jamboree. Suffolk is also well represented on the International Service Team,  and yours truly is very excited to be going.  Another opportunity to experience International camping in 2015 is the Explorer Belt in Finland.

The Training Academy at the end of March was another great success. It was good to met new Leaders and to catch up with old friends.

It was such a pleasure to present Queens Scout Awards to Stephen Woolard from Mildenhall and Hamish Jackson from Brantham.  I'm looking forward to presenting more.  I do hope the weather stays fine for all of you who are going to the St George's Day Parade at Windsor.

I am so pleased to be able to tell you that work starts early next month on the new building at Bradfield Park Campsite.  A lot of people have worked very hard to bring the project to this stage and I thank them all.

Did you go to the Ipswich Gang show?  If not you missed a super evening of entertainment.  I think this was one of the best
shows I have seen.  It was very funny - who could forget the men in tights - and the singing was phenomenal. I can't single anyone out as everyone was magnificent  This is another aspect of Scouting that I think is underrated.  It shows real commitment and gives young people ( and adults ) so much confidence. Don't miss it next year!

I'm so very pleased to say that Suffolk grew by 1.6%, so thanks to you all.  As soon as we are able we will be presenting the Growth Certificates.
I hope you have enjoyed the break and have had a very happy Easter.
