Following the success of SMILE last year we are running another SMILE residential weekend this year - on the 26th to 28th September. This weekend is open to all adults volunteers in Suffolk, and will give you those basic practical Scouting Skills which the movement has worked with for 107 years, but which you may have missed out on.

Learn how to navigate with a map and compass, how to tie knots, and construct pioneering projects with wooden staves, how to build and light fires, and cook simple meals with no utensils, and no washing up.

Regardless of which section you work with, thes skills you learn at SMILE will enable to you bring new activities back to your Section, either as new activities to teach your Young people, or as new ideas that you can run for your young people.

If you have these skills and want more of a challenge - join our team of experienced Scouters on SMILE Plus. The programme we have planned will test your skills, and teach you some new ones.

Places on either residential event can be booked on the training booking system :