We are offering the opportunity to do your Expeditions this year for the DofE Awards Bronze and Silver at County level. This enables the us to provide more opportunity, and for you to be assured of an opportunity to participate in a qualifying expedition this year. You need to attend all 3 weekends.

  1. Training Weekend: 30th April/1st May 2022 – Needham Market Scout Hut

Needham Market Scouts. Crown St, Needham Market, Scouts IP6 8RY - £20

This is a full-on weekend, including overnight camp, to get you trained to a level to go for an expedition. Please bring a lunch for Saturday, and a tent* if you can, along with sleeping gear, plate/bowl/cutlery and a water bottle. Clothing and Footwear appropriate for a range of activities from First Aid to Hiking. We will also be sorting out your teams for the expeditions.

*Please let us know if you are unable to bring a tent to the training weekend (a shared tent with your friends from your Explorer unit will be fine and is encouraged).

  1. Practice Weekend:

Location and costs to be confirmed. 17/18th September 2022

  1. Qualifying Weekend: Thetford Forest, 22-24th October. Costs to be confirmed

We look forward to seeing you and helping you to achieve your expeditions this year.


Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are planning on attending.


If you are doing the Gold Award at this time, please feel free to come along to the training weekend. We are not planning an Expedition this year, but we can talk to you about your options.


Andy Brown and Ralph Hansby

DofE Co-ordinators

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