The Scouts Heritage Service has an exhibition called Growing Up, Digging Deep: the story of Scouts, Food and Farming at the Food Museum in Stowmarket. 

The exhibition includes plates decorated by Squirrels, Beavers and Cubs from Stowmarket District. This is the link to the exhibition page on their website.   It's on in the Abbots Hall from 1 June – 10 September 2023

Food is central to our lives. We all eat it, talk about it and most of us have a go at cooking or even growing it. For over 100 years it has also played an important role in the Scout programme. Through Scouts, young people learn the skills to grow and make food, about the role it plays in keeping us healthy and it’s part in important celebrations.

This exhibition explores the story of food and Scouts through three main themes: grow, make and eat. From learning to use a horse and plough, responding to the needs of a country in wartime, to planning expedition menus and exploring new cultures, we will see how Scouts have evolved and responded to stay relevant to its young people