To all County Scout Council Members:

Peter Jones (County Chair) and Howard Blackett (County Commissioner)
request the pleasure of your company at

The Annual General Meeting of the
Suffolk County Scout Council

on Thursday 21st September 2023, 7.00pm for 7:45pm
at Hallowtree Activity Centre, Nacton, Ipswich, IP10 0JP

Light refreshments will be served from 7.00pm to 7.45pm
RSVP to: Carl Gloess, County Secretary, County Office, Hallowtree Activity Centre, Alnesbourne Priory, Nacton, Ipswich, IP10 0JP. 
Tel no: 01473 711678.  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Invitations have been sent to members of the County Scout Council (CSC) who will be given cards to indicate their votes as required at the meeting.
Agenda and further information as required will be sent prior to the meeting.
CSC Membership is detailed in the Suffolk Constitution (see link) for the latest version.