Today, the Suffolk Contingent are off to South Korea for the 25th World Scout Jamboree.  After all their training in the run up to the event and the hard work in raising funds to be able to go on this trip of a lifetime, the day is finally here for the Suffolk Saxons - Unit 27!

We wish all the members of Suffolk Scouting going to the event 'Good Luck' and 'Safe Travelling'  and we look forward to hearing about your adventures at some point.

On 6 August 2023, everyone from the youngest Squirrel and Rainbow, up to the oldest volunteer, will be able to join in the fun of the 25 World Scout Jamboree (25WSJ) without leaving their meeting place, camp, or even their home. This is Dream:LIVE and your chance to share your roar.  



Dream:LIVE brings the excitement of more than 40,000 Scouts at the 25WSJ back home to the UK, through a range of activities and interactive sessions. For one day, you don’t need to travel to Korea to take part in some Jamboree fun.

As well as activities, across the day you’ll also have a chance to learn more about the 25WSJ, what the UK Contingent has been doing, and learn about Scouts from all over the world

Find out more at the Dream:LIVE website where you will need to sign-up (group or individuals) to take part.  There's also a badge available from Scout Shops for the event.